From the epic The Ramayana, with Indonesian rod puppets.

Above: Hanuman and his father the Wind God.
I learned wayang golek, the traditional rod puppet theater from Sunda in West Java, as a student in UCSC ( University of California at Santa Cruz) back in the late 80's. My teachers were Professor Kathy Foley, Pak Undang Sumarna and Pak Nano S.
I brought to Israel two shows: "Hanuman's Jump" from the Indian epic the Ramayana, for children and which became part of the repertoire of the Train Theater of Jerusalem, and the other was "Sanghyan Rancassan" from the other epic the Mahabharata, for adults, part of the repertoire of the Bamah Theater of Jerusalem.
Puppets: Original, handmade in Sunda, West Java, Indonesia
Direction and Text: Professor Kathy Foley
Music played by the UCSC Gamelan Orchestra directed by Pak Undang Sumarna and recorded for the show.
Puppeteer: Patricia O'Donovan
I introduced the Indian epics through puppetry to Israeli children.
Children were fascinated by the show, it was so new to them in every respect, the structure of the story, the wonderfully carved Indonesian puppets, the music so new and different to them.