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נקודת אור
Louis Braille was 3 years old when he lost his sight. This is his story of overcoming obstacles and finding his way to freedom, inspiring an
IAN'S DAUGHTER בתו של יאן
Performed in France as Passé Composé An adult storyteller on stage recounts her childhood memories, when she was 7 years old in Holland,...
An Ancient Lullaby from Mesopotamia in Shadow Theater
AMANILI SINGS/ אמנילי שרה Credits: Akkadian lullaby: Anonymous. Mesopotamia, about 2500 BC. Sung in Hebrew and Akkadian at the end of the...
The Earthquake in Chile
A performance of illuminated paper cutouts and storytelling Paper cutouts and Performance: Patricia O’Donovan Text: Patricia O’Donovan...
HEAD IN THE CLOUDS / אבא טרף נמר
" We saw a great number of shows from many countries in the world. We want to especially mention "Con la Cabeza en las Nubes" ( Head in...
Pablo Casals, THE CELLIST
Picture Storytelling in a Peep Box with miniature shadow cutouts It is 1890. Pablo is 13 years old when his heart jumps an extra beat: he...
Hanuman's Jump
From the epic The Ramayana, with Indonesian rod puppets. Above: Hanuman and his father the Wind God. I learned wayang golek, the...
Reviews about "Head in the Clouds"
אבא טרף נמר / Head in the Clouds / Con la Cabeza en las Nubes About the show HERE Me with the puppet of the Mother A sample from the...
Teatro de Sombras “Transparencias”
El primer Teatro de Sombras de la Argentina.
Patricia's show about the Holocaust for Children
Ian’s Daughter by Patricia O'Donovan represents a rare artistic phenomenon
Children's Theater Production
The aim of the course was to teach students the different stages of process from text to the staging of the performance. The masks used...
Shadow Theater Masks
In contemporary Shadow Theater we often see the actors themselves behind the screen working with the shadow of their own bodies as part...
National and International Festivals
(Hebrew )נקודת אור LICHTSTRAHL ( German) LOUIS L'ENFANT DE LA NUIT ( French) LUIS EL NIÑO DE LA NOCHE ( Castellano) New title in English...
“LOUIS, L’ENFANT DE LA NUIT” par la Cie Ambulo
A destin peu ordinaire, spectacle hors du commun. Celui-çi nous entraîne dans le monde méconnu des non-voyants. Sans pathos, mais avec juste
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